Mission & Outreach Ministry
The Mission and Outreach Ministry (M&O) is a vital part of Paxton Church. M&O, a ministry of Session, is responsible for the coordination of various mission projects involving Paxton members, and the distribution of allocated mission funds from the annual budget.
The Ministry chooses, plans, and oversees hands-on mission projects throughout the year, giving church members opportunities to participate personally in local causes. Projects include an annual picnic for students of The Joshua Group, preparation of a meal for Ronald McDonald House residents, the collection of school supplies for City of Harrisburg students and the assembly of school supply tote bags for Church World Service and Hands Across the Street.
M&O coordinates Paxton’s participation in four Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) sponsored special offerings: One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peacemaking and Joy Offering. These offerings help to fund disaster relief, hunger relief, and self-development of people around the world.
Paxton Church has other groups, including Sunday School classes, youth group, Deacons and Presbyterian Women, who are actively involved in their own mission projects.
It is through mission work that Paxton takes the Christian message of love and hope beyond its walls and out into the community of Harrisburg, across the United States, and around the world.
Little Free Library®
The Ministry stewards two Little Free Libraries® – one exclusively for young readers and one for young adult and adult readers. Both are located by the Sharon Street entrance of our campus. With the help of our congregation and neighbors, our library provides free reading materials to the community while fostering a book exchange program and a love of reading. The motto of the Little Free Library® is “Take a book; return a book.”
Little Free Pantry
Through the generosity of our congregation and the community, Paxton’s Little Free Pantry provides 24/7 access to food, paper goods, and personal hygiene products to those who are not easily able to meet everyday food and personal needs. Whether a need for food or a desire to give, the Little Free Pantry is about neighbors helping neighbors, building community and assisting those who may need a little extra help. Located by the Sharon Street entrance, the motto of our Little Free Pantry is “Take What You Need; Give What You Can.”
Organizations we support
Through M&O, Paxton financially supports local organizations including Allison Hill Community Ministry, Allison Hill Fund, Center for Champions, Central PA Food Bank, Christian Churches United, Downtown Daily Bread, Ecumenical Food Pantry, Habitat for Humanity, Shalom House, The Caring Place, The Joshua Group and the YWCA Housing and Homeless Program with annually budgeted contributions. Financial contributions are also given to the Presbytery of Carlisle to support Presbyterian mission projects throughout the world.
At Sunday Service, attendees are given the opportunity to support monthly mission projects by dropping loose change into the Coins for Caring canister. Recipients of these funds include: Allison Hill Fund, Bethesda Mission, Church World Service Crop Walk, Hands Across the Street, Harrisburg Area Humane Society, One Great Hour of Sharing, Presbyterian Disaster Relief, St. Francis of Assisi Soup Kitchen, and Paxton Women’s Santa Shops.